The symphonic synchronicity of significance

Knockwood Institute
4 min readJan 10, 2021

Everything that exists, either directly or indirectly, is connected to every other thing through a vast and ever shifting web-work which is often described within the scientific community as quantum entanglement, or what Albert Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance,” so that theoretically and if you were to be able to discern the nature and network of these intricate connections, you could pull upon any string, or sequence of strings, and so make the world spin and dance in any manner which you so desired. In moving any thing, by and through the nature of these connections, you pull upon and move every other thing, shifting it from its place and thus redefining the very structure of all that is. We all of us and each of us are in fact doing so every day in millions and billions of intricate ways and as we move throughout our lives. It is an innate understanding of this truth, although often not at a conscious level of awareness, which can and often does lead to a self imposed paralysis surrounding and concerning certain and various issues, and especially when it directly involves those within our immediate circle who surround us and whom we care about and love. This too, however, our inaction, is in fact an action and force upon the structure by which our immovability holds others back as they stretch and pull upon those tethers that bind us, creating a tension that often leads to a knotting within those strings which can prove difficult to unravel and to undo.

As you continue to actively engage with the process, and learn to recognize and to follow those significances within your life, something wonderful begins to occur. Over time as you practice, and with many a sour note along the way, you will find that rather than tugging upon those strings (which is a force of resistance), you are beginning instead to strum them like an instrument. As a result of this, those strings begin to resonate and to harmonize together by and through which rather than reacting in opposition to, they begin to synchronize with. And so, as each of us plays our own melody, together we become a symphonic orchestra working together and in unison to produce a single song.

A synchronicity is a series of two or more events which may appear upon the surface to have no causal relationship with one another, and yet work together to produce a tangible and meaningful result. While a synchronicity is its self a significance which provides an awareness of opportunity in ones life, it is also and often an active element which not only gives you the green light to pursue that approach, but can even propel you forward in it. Such synchronicities occur as a result of and are produced by that symphonic harmonic resonance within the quantum field as all work together and in unison for the whole.

It was at the very beginning of our welcome message, through which began our journey together here, where we asked of you the following question: “Have you ever wondered how some people appear to drift through their lives, seemingly undisturbed and unaffected by the events going on around them as everything seems to fall into their laps with ease, comfort and minimal effort, while for others life can be a constant and day to day struggle just to survive?” The answer lies here in the degree through and by which they act in and produce harmonic resonance with the quantum field according to the vibrational patternings produced and allowed for by their beliefs and perceptions. As you continue to actively engage the process, therefore, you should not be surprised to discover events and occurrences synchronistically appearing within your life which open doors and lead to pathways which may be traveled down with relative ease and comfort, sidestepping and bypassing those objects and stumbling blocks which so often may trip up and block the way of other travelers. The degree by which you synchronize and harmonize with therefore determines the outcome of ease or struggle that you experience within your own life.

What this is not is an argument to conformity, by which through many and varied societal pressures all agree to travel within and down the same narrow path for the ease of comfort. Such activities are a manifestation of that self same paralysis as described above by which one attempts to hold the entirety of a structure which is in form and function dynamic in nature, rigid and thus stagnant.

As it is that the entirety of this structure which we call reality is in constant flux and motion, continually changing and altering in form, if you should find yourself for whatever reason ignoring or turning a blind eye to those significances and synchronicities by deciding instead to travel down that same path which had worked for you before, do not be surprised to find that pathway now blocked and no longer open to you. For although that pathway was once harmonically resonant to the structure at that time, by the taking of it you have now altered the structure in such a way and to such a degree that it has now come out of tempo with the new whole.

Fortunately and if you remain open and actively engaged with the process and thus aware of those significances and synchronicities as they are formed by that particular movement within the greater symphony of life, you can always find that clear way forward. It just may not be, or appear as, what you may have thought it would.



Knockwood Institute

self-guided, immersive, experiential and intuitive learning center