Congratulations, my dear one, for you have been accepted.

You have been accepted by the KNOCKWOOD Institute of Higher Learning, providing a real world, experiential based educational system for the purpose and intent of expanding awareness and conscious evolution. As a result of receiving this message, you are about to experience your life in a whole new manner, where every experience becomes an opportunity, rife with possibilities, adventures and excitements beyond the wildest imaginings of your previously held belief system, should you so choose to go forward and to engage in the process with conscious awareness. For your life is, and has always been, about freedom of choice. No one, including ourselves, can take that away from you. You have every right to disbelieve what we are about to reveal to you. We would only ask, for asking is all that it is in our power to do, that you take the time to read this letter in full, and with an open mind, before making your final decision as to whether to simply walk away, or whether to engage more deeply and more fully with the process its self. Be forewarned, however, that once you experience these truths, it will be nearly impossible for you to return to your previous unaware state of being.

As you read this letter, you will no doubt find at times that its language and structure may appear unusual or peculiar sounding to the ear. Do not allow your preconceived notions, based upon what you are used to, misguide you on this matter. You can rest assured that that there is a very real and very sound decision, for those of you who would understand our meaning here, behind the obscure and unconventional dialectic approach to our writing. Every word, every punctuation point from within its place and context, has been carefully exacted so as to produce a sympathetic vibrational response within the reader. This vibrational pattern of energy contains within its structure certain information which, bypassing the aware mind, is seeded directly into the subconscious. The purpose of utilizing this method in order to disseminate certain critical information is so as to allow the individual consciousness to self regulate the upflow of data into the waking consciousness in a manner, and at a pace, that the psyche is able to integrate without producing unnecessary psychological stresses or damage.

Given the proclivity of the human mind to seek out and to define patterns according to ones own experiences and understandings of the world around them and how it functions, which is in its self a necessary and determining element of the process, there are certain individuals within the Knockwood Society who feel it necessary to interject here on behalf of the reader, at this early stage of the induction process, so as to prevent certain misunderstandings from occurring: This is not an ARG. We are not here to provide you with some intricate web-work of predetermined clues designed to tell you a story of our own fabrication. If you should seek to rely upon us for any answers, you will be deeply disappointed. Our role here at the KNOCKWOOD Institute of Higher Learning is merely that of a facilitator. Our purpose is to provide you with the awareness necessary in order that you may so choose to create, and to experience, a story of your own imagining. Any clues which you may find, any rabbit holes down which you may so choose to venture, are your own. KNOCKWOOD Institute of Higher Learning is not responsible for your actions. It is you, and not we, who are in charge of this game that you call life, and it is you, not we, who will be responsible for both the context of this story and how it unfolds.

It all begins with you:

1. What you believe, you perceive

How you interpret the events and the experiences of your life, and therefore both feel about and react to them, are based upon the basic, core assumptions of your belief system. This is what is often referred to as Confirmation Bias, in which the mind has a tendency to filter out any data that does not conform to its belief structure, often ignoring it as irrelevant or erroneous, even going so far at times as to not see what is directly in front of it, or else mentally manipulating the data in order to fit in with its general narrative. If a person who does not believe in magic, for example, watches a stage magician perform an illusion, he or she will accept what is seen with his or her own eyes because that person understands that it is just a trick, even if he or she does not know how the trick is accomplished. If the magician were to perform real magic, however, confirmation bias would cause that person to continue to believe, and confidently “know” that it was a trick, because that is the only way that this person would accept what he or she has saw with his or her own eyes. These are the very same biases that are playing themselves out now within your own mind when you doubt the sincerity, or question the motivations behind, the very words which you are now reading.

2. What you perceive, you believe.

Your core beliefs are based upon a sum total of your previous experiences, which include your previously held beliefs and what you have been told or felt at the time of, or about those, experiences, regardless of whether what you felt or were told was actually true. A child may be frightened of the dark because of the possibilities of what may be lurking there, even though the truth may be that there is nothing threatening actually present in that particular darkness. That your core beliefs are based upon a sum total of your previous experiences does not preclude the nature aspect of the nature versus nurture paradigm, as your nature is its self a fundamental aspect of the experience. You can not experience something without being present to experience it. As your interpretation of that experience, as stated above, is already based upon the assumptions of your core beliefs, except when challenged, the experience tends to reconfirm and therefore strengthen your core beliefs, or biases.

What you believe, you perceive, and what you perceive, you believe: elegant in its simplicity, it is a self-perpetuating cycle, creating a feedback loop in which each side of the equation has a direct effect upon the other. This is a model, created by the ego, in order to protect its sense of self and place within the universe.

If you should so desire, to experience your reality in a whole new way, if you want your life to be filled with a sense of awe and wonder, if you seek a sense of adventure, or desire the world around you to be filled with mystery and intrigue, whatever it is that you desire or feel that you are missing, you do not need to rely upon the entertainments of others to provoke or provide. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, and it has a value in that it allows you to see things, if even for only a brief period of time, from a different perspective. The only problem, if you so choose to see it as one, is that it tends to be temporary and short lived, accepted only within the narrow confines of your belief structure, or confirmation bias, for the fact that it is not real. If you should desire a more permanent change, one in which your every day life is transformed, all that you need to do is to shift your perspective in such a manner that this new way of experiencing the world becomes your default belief pattern, and one which is fed, rather than denied, by your confirmation bias.

This is The Process through which KNOCKWOOD Institute operates, and which you will experience as a result of your own self-guided education through the KNOCKWOOD Institute’s educational program, in which simply by consciously engaging in active awareness of the world around you, you will take on a whole new perception and understanding of the reality in which you exist, and your active and participatory role within it.



Knockwood Institute
Knockwood Institute

Written by Knockwood Institute

self-guided, immersive, experiential and intuitive learning center

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